Member-only story
For Jack Merritt and Saskia Jones
“ Beautiful spirits on underdogs sides.”
You two had the temerity to trust to justice
To plow your young years into uncovering justice
Even for those for whom criminal justice had thrown away
The key, trusting that everybody deserves a second chance.
You were learning together with men who’d never
Been offered empathy or kindness. Men who now look
To your example of treating all men and all women
As capable of good, bad or indifferent. You were never
Indifferent. Your end, in the infamous London Bridge
Attack, has allowed your murderer’s name to become infamous
But you two were the famous ones: using your privilege
And your natural intelligence for all the good you could
Squeeze out of them. I raise a glass to you two Cambridge
Graduates. Felix qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas.